
March 19, 201311 years ago

First Degree: Bro. Ponch Garcia

Congratulations to Bro. Ponch Garcia on his initiation into our ancient and honorable fraternity… Read more
March 8, 201311 years ago

New Lodge Banner

We’d like to thank all of the brethren who helped contribute to make the new Honolulu Lodge banner possible… Read more
March 8, 201311 years ago

Stated Meeting (March 2013)

On March 5th, 2013, the brethren of Honolulu Lodge held their Stated Meeting for the month of March… Read more
February 28, 201311 years ago

Traveling Man: RW Frank M. Condello II at the 2013 Conference of Grand Masters

Right Worshipful Frank M. Condello II recently traveled to Kansas City, Missouri for the 2013 Conference of Grand Masters… Read more
February 20, 201312 years ago

First Degree: Bro. Raven Esposito & Bro. James Cowan

Congratulations to Brother Raven Esposito and Brother James Cowan on their initiation into Honolulu Lodge… Read more
February 6, 201312 years ago

Stated Meeting (February 2013)

On February 5th, 2013, the brethren of Honolulu Lodge held their Stated Meeting for the month of February… Read more

From the West: January 2013

Brethren, I want to thank you all for your vote of confidence in electing me to be your Senior Warden for the ensuing masonic year… Read more

January 9, 201312 years ago

Stated Meeting (January 2013)

On January 8th, 2013 the brethren of Honolulu Lodge held their first Stated Meeting of the new year… Read more
December 12, 201212 years ago

Stars in the Back Lot (December 2012)

With the year coming to an end and the holidays upon us, we decided to enjoy our last scheduled meeting by throwing a “Stars in the Back Lot” movie night… Read more
December 5, 201212 years ago

Stated Meeting (December 2012)

Our Stated Meeting for the month of December also marked our first meeting under the leadership of Worshipful Diamond M. Robinson and the 2013 core of officers… Read more
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