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Stars in the Back Lot (December 2012)

With the year coming to an end and the holidays upon us, we decided to enjoy our last scheduled meeting by throwing a “Stars in the Back Lot” movie night. The brethren and guests enjoyed “movie night” hot dogs, soda pop, pop corn, and shave ice while viewing a 1942 classic film. It’s suffice to say that it was an amazing evening at Honolulu Lodge and we look forward to doing it again!

Brother Lee Kaneakua setting up our first “Stars in the Back Lot” movie night.

Looking good!

Brother Lenny Clairmont helping prepare our movie dinner.

No “movie night” is complete with out hot dogs and an assortment of delicious condiments.

Popcorn = Necessary

Brother Roger Jensen making shave ice. <-- In Hawaii we call it "shave ice" rather than "shaved ice". Visit Wikipedia to learn why.

Our amazing selection of shave ice flavors. **Thanks Bro. Roger!

And finally..the movie.

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