You are here: The Official Website of Honolulu Lodge F&AM | Hawaii Freemasonry»Lodge News»Junior Warden Mathaias Pabst of Loge Augusta in Augsburg, Germany visits Honolulu Lodge and WB Lee Kaneakua

Junior Warden Mathaias Pabst of Loge Augusta in Augsburg, Germany visits Honolulu Lodge and WB Lee Kaneakua

Junior Warden Mathaias Pabst of Loge Augusta in Augsburg, Germany visits Honolulu Lodge and WB Lee Kaneakua during an evening of fellowship. Worshipful Master Sascha Ratzinger, also of Loge Augusta, having attended Honolulu Lodge’s Installation of Officers in 2017 recommended to JW Mathaias that he visit the Lodge during his business trip in Hawaii.