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1800's French Masonic Creed (English Translation)

On February 8, 2011 Brother Guy from Tahiti was in attendance at Honolulu Lodge and presented RW Monty Glover with a beautiful masonic gift. A copy of a French masonic document originating from the late 1800′s.
Our French speaking Brethren, Bro. Gilles Tisseraud (Senior Warden of Honolulu Lodge) and Bro. Mark Lovell
(Chaplain of Lodge Le Progres) graciously translated the document for all of us to understand.

The true Masonic creed consists of good morals.
Therefore, do good work for the love and welfare of oneself.

Love the good in people, help the weak, and avoid the evil.
Speak concisely with your superiors, cautiously with your equals, sincerely with your friends, with care to your subordinates, and compassionately with the poor.

Do not flatter your brothers; such is a moral trespass.
If your brother flatters you, do not permit it to corrupt your good sense.


If destiny gives you a son, thank God.
But, be mindful of the responsibility that is required of you, for this child is a reflection of His nature.
Until 10 years of age, be his master.
Until 20 years, his father.
Until death, his friend.


Read, and enrich oneself.
Watch and learn.
Reflect and work.
Being ever available for betterment of one’s brothers is in turn an improvement upon oneself


Always abide by the voice of one’s conscience.
Be a father to the poor.
Every unkind sentiment towards another will only revisit hardship upon oneself, in kind.
Aver conflict, and avoid antagonizing; always let reason guide you.
Respect women.
Do not ever abuse their weakness; rather die, than dishonor them


Think of Him, as giving [to us] good morals, rather than merely good behaviors,
such that one is invested with a clear moral uprightness
and not merely an agreeable presentation.
Make oneself an honest man, rather than just a presentable one

If you blush at your own pettiness, it is arrogance.

Aspire [to understand] that it is not your position which honors or degrades you, but instead the manner by
which you exercise it.


Finally, be happy – no matter the place or circumstance – with whatever one has, and in anything that one does.
Rejoice in Justice.
Repel inequity
Endure without complaint.


Do not judge, lightly, the actions of men.
In no less degree, do not frivolously blame

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