Lodge News

January 9, 201213 years ago

2012 Installation of Officers

The Honolulu Lodge installation Saturday December 3rd 2011 at the Scottish Rite Temple in Honolulu ; the installing officer was Most Worshipful Monty Glover (PM Honolulu Lodge) and the Master of ceremony Worshipful Brother Dale Palileo (PM Honolulu Lodge) Read more

Honolulu Lodge BBQ 2011

The 2011 Honolulu Lodge BBQ was a success! Hosted by RW Frank Condello, the annual Honolulu Lodge BBQ is a place where brethren can bring their families, relax, and enjoy each others company. With a great back yard and a scenic view overlooking the westlocks of the Historic Pearl Harbor and Honolulu city lights, RW Frank’s BBQ is an event all brethren look forward to. We had a special guest in attendance as well! WB Dale Palileo (Honolulu Lodge member & Past Master) flew in from Portland, Oregon to attend the BBQ as well as the 2011 Grand Lodge Black & White Ball.

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July 21, 201113 years ago

The 2011 Black & White Ball

The Grand Lodge Black & White Ball is quickly approaching. Please make sure to purchase… Read more
July 17, 201113 years ago

Makiki Temple Renovation Update

Brethren! On this “renovation update” post we’d like to show you pictures showcasing the aftermath of the interior demolition… Read more
July 11, 201113 years ago

Tribute to Bro. Harold Estes

Yesterday afternoon was one of those moments when American men and women of all races and backgrounds… Read more

Second Degree (6-21-2011)

Congratulations to Bro. Edward Chan, Bro. Stephen Carroll, and Bro. Lewis Boucher on passed to the degree of Fellowcraft. Read more

June 28, 201113 years ago

Visiting Brother Al Falk

The brethren of Honolulu Lodge recently visited Bro. Al Falk… Read more
March 15, 201113 years ago

1800's French Masonic Creed (English Translation)

On February 8, 2011 Brother Guy from Tahiti was in attendance at Honolulu Lodge and presented RW Monty Glover… Read more
March 15, 201113 years ago

Ko'olau Lodge St. Patrick's Dinner

The Brethren of Honolulu Lodge and many other Lodges throughout the jurisdiction were present for Ko’olau Lodges… Read more

Stated Meeting (Feb 2011)

With our February 2011 Stated Meeting behind us we can definitely say in hindsight that it was more than just a simple success.

42 brethren were in attendance for our February Stated Meeting including Most Worshipful Charles L. Wegener Jr., and Worshipful Dustin Verity who is the sitting Master of Ko’olau Lodge.

Brother Diamond Robinson was installed as Junior Warden of Honolulu Lodge and presented the brethren with great topics of discussion whereby we can collectively strengthen all aspects of our Lodge.

Worshipful Garry Graham presented Worshipful Jimmy Coleman with a beautiful Masonic Timepiece in token of friendship and brotherly love, and to serve as a constant reminder to him that Honolulu Lodge will always be his Home. Worshipful Coleman has given his heart and soul to the Fraternity of Freemasonry and Honolulu Lodge in particular. While he’ll be leaving Hawaii in the weeks to come we know that his move will only improve his life, his family’s, and the beautiful country to which he proudly serves.

Worshipful Dustin Verity presented Worshipful Garry Graham with a gift on behalf of Ko’olau Lodge in token of appreciation for his help with their 2011 officers installation while Most Worshipful Charles L. Wegener Jr. presented Right Worshipful Frank M. Condello II with a certificate of appreciate and honorary plaque for his generous contributions to the Cornerstone & Columns Grand Lodge Fund.

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