Brotherly Love from Bermuda

The Brethren of Honolulu Lodge were recently presented with a beautiful plaque & gavel on behalf of Bro. Jerome Reid and Bro. Seth Dowling of Hannibal Lodge #224 (St. Georges, Bermuda). The plaque and gavel are made of Bermuda cedar, which is of significant cultural value to Bermudians. The wood of the Bermuda Cedar was historically valued for construction, ship building and furniture. It was also used for carving, boxes and firewood. The soft, red wood is still highly prized by woodworkers and the signature smell of cedar is known to most Bermudians.

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Worshipful Diamond Robinson and Bro. Jerome Reid.

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The beautiful plaque and gavel.

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Coincidentally, Bro. Seth Dowling is also a member of Honolulu Lodge F&AM.

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