Archive for March 2013

March 27, 201312 years ago

From Whence We Came - Honolulu Lodge Heritage Celebration

The brethren of Honolulu Lodge celebrated our Past Masters and our history this week with our first annual Honolulu Lodge Heritage Celebration… Read more
March 19, 201312 years ago

First Degree: Bro. Ponch Garcia

Congratulations to Bro. Ponch Garcia on his initiation into our ancient and honorable fraternity… Read more
March 8, 201312 years ago

New Lodge Banner

We’d like to thank all of the brethren who helped contribute to make the new Honolulu Lodge banner possible… Read more
March 8, 201312 years ago

Stated Meeting (March 2013)

On March 5th, 2013, the brethren of Honolulu Lodge held their Stated Meeting for the month of March… Read more