
April 7, 201212 years ago

The Traveling Man: MW Romeo A. Yu visits Hawaii

Brother Mark Leo (Junior Warden of Honolulu Lodge) recently had the opportunity to meet with MW Romeo A. Yu (Past Grand Master of the Philippines) Read more
April 7, 201212 years ago

The Traveling Man: 2012 Conference of Grand Masters

Most Worshipful Monty Glover and Right Worshipful Frank Condello both represented The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Hawaii this year at the 2012 Conference of Grand Masters. Read more
April 5, 201212 years ago

Second Degree - Brother Jeremy Thorne

Congratulations to Brother Jeremy Thorne on being passed to the degree of Fellowcraft. Read more
April 4, 201212 years ago

The Traveling Man: Bro. Lee & Bro. Ed visit Japan

Brother Ed Chan and Brother Lee Kaneakua of Honolulu Lodge visited The Grand Lodge of Japan during their recent trip. Read more
April 4, 201212 years ago

Stated Meeting (April 2012)

As always Honolulu Lodge held a productive and enjoyable stated meeting for the month of April 2012. Present were visiting members from both Hawaiian Lodge and Kona Lodge. Read more
April 4, 201212 years ago

First Degree - Brother Jason Neth

Congratulations to Brother Jason Neth on being initiated into our ancient and honorable fraternity. Present was Worshipful Wally Lee from Eureka Lodge 103, Langley British Columbia. Read more
February 22, 201212 years ago

First Degree - Brother James Moore

Congratulations to Brother James Moore on being initiated into our ancient and honorable fraternity. Read more
February 17, 201212 years ago

Raising For Brother Jason Oaks

On Friday February 17th, Honolulu Lodge visited Lodge Le Progres de L’Oceanie to perform courtesy work for Brother Jason Oakes Third Degree Raising. Worshipful Gilles Tisseraud of Honolulu Lodge conferred the first section of the degree Read more
January 30, 201212 years ago

First Degree - Bro. Erik Billstrom

Congratulations to Brother Erik Billstrom on being initiated into Honolulu Lodge! Read more
January 25, 201213 years ago

First Degree - Bro. Terrence Iwamoto

Congratulations to Brother Terrence Iwamoto on being initiated an Entered Apprentice Mason. Read more
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