The Traveling Man

January 23, 201510 years ago

Traveling Man: Bro. Paul Gao visits Amity Lodge #1 (GL of China)

Brother Paul Gao recently visited Amity Lodge no.1 under the Grand Lodge of China… Read more
January 23, 201510 years ago

Traveling Man: Bro. Baudanza visits Semper Fidelis Lodge #680

Brother Tony Baudanza recently visited Semper Fidelis Lodge #680 in North Carolina where he attended his close friends 3rd Degree Raising… Read more
January 2, 201510 years ago

Traveling Man: WB Robinson visits Memorial Lodge No. 1298

“Brethren, I hope all is well with you and the family. On my recent travels I visited Memorial Lodge No. 1298 A.F.&A.M…” Read more
August 10, 201410 years ago

Traveling Man: WB Diamond Robinson visits James V. Callan Da-Lite Lodge #1422

Worshipful Brother Diamond Robinson PM recently visited James V. Callan Da-Lite Lodge #1422 (Dallas, TX)… Read more
April 22, 201410 years ago

MWB Jacques Parot visits Hawaii

Most Worshipful Bro. Jacques Parot of the Grande Loge Nationale Française recently visited Hawaii to attend Read more
April 22, 201410 years ago

Charters of Alliance Ceremony with Loge Tiarama No. 1867

On April 15th, 2014, the brethren of Honolulu Lodge F&AM and the Hawaii Masonic Jurisdiction celebrated the historic twinning… Read more
March 25, 201410 years ago

Traveling Man: Bro. Daniel Mardon in Okinawa

Bro. Daniel Mardon was recently installed Chaplain of Okinawa Lodge No.118… Read more
March 23, 201410 years ago

RW Raymond E. Hassell Visits Hawaii

RW Raymond E. Hassell, Senior Grand Warden of the Grand Lodge of Rhode Island… Read more
December 27, 201311 years ago

Traveling Man: WB Dexter Carrasco visits King Solomon Lodge No. 58

Worshipful Bro. Dexter Carrasco (Honolulu Lodge member & Past Master 2011) recently visited King Solomon Lodge No. 58 in Las Vegas, NV… Read more
December 19, 201311 years ago

Traveling Man: WB Don Wilson travels Australia

WBro. Donald Wilson (Grand Lodge of Hawaii representative to Australia and member of Honolulu Lodge F&AM) has been on the road lately… Read more
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