
April 29, 20159 years ago

Third Degree: Bro. Jim Moore

Congratulations to Bro. Jim Moore on being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason… Read more
March 25, 20159 years ago

First Degree: Bro. Paul Berzinas

Congratulations to Brother Paul Berzinas on his initiation into Honolulu Lodge F&AM… Read more
March 15, 20159 years ago

Honolulu Lodge Annual Potluck (April 25th, 2015)

The brethren of Honolulu Lodge will gather once again to enjoy a family potluck at the beautiful Waialae Nui Ridge Recreation Center… Read more
February 20, 201510 years ago

First Degree: Bro. Jason Cooper

Congratulations to Brother Jason Cooper on his initiation into Honolulu Lodge F&AM… Read more
January 31, 201510 years ago

Third Degree: Bro. Daniel Ku

Congratulations to Bro. Daniel Ku on being raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason… Read more
January 23, 201510 years ago

Traveling Man: Bro. Paul Gao visits Amity Lodge #1 (GL of China)

Brother Paul Gao recently visited Amity Lodge no.1 under the Grand Lodge of China… Read more
January 23, 201510 years ago

Third Degree: Bro. Ryan Barnes

Congratulations to Bro. Ryan Barnes on being Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason… Read more
January 23, 201510 years ago

Traveling Man: Bro. Baudanza visits Semper Fidelis Lodge #680

Brother Tony Baudanza recently visited Semper Fidelis Lodge #680 in North Carolina where he attended his close friends 3rd Degree Raising… Read more
January 23, 201510 years ago

Stated Meeting: January (2015)

The Brethren of Honolulu Lodge F&AM recently convened to hold their Stated Meeting for the Month of January… Read more
January 2, 201510 years ago

Traveling Man: WB Robinson visits Memorial Lodge No. 1298

“Brethren, I hope all is well with you and the family. On my recent travels I visited Memorial Lodge No. 1298 A.F.&A.M…” Read more
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