AnCom Registration Notice

The Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of F & A M
Of the State of Hawaii
P.O. Box 1220 Kihei, Hawaii 96753
Phone: (808) 596-9121

To: All Grand Lodge of Hawaii Masons

March 11, 2025

Aloha My Esteemed Brothers,

Just a reminder to register if you are planning to attend our 2025 Annual Communication on Friday/Saturday, April 18th/19th, 2025.

To help with scheduling and cut down travel time between events, it has been arranged for most of the events this year to be held on the same property, the luxurious Prince Waikiki Resort located at 100 Holomoana St., Honolulu, Hawaii right on the water front and within walking distance to the Alamoana Shopping Center.

On-line registration is available at or use the registration form that is included with this letter. If you are a GL of Hawaii PGM, please reach out to our Grand Secretary who will assist you personally.

We look forward to a great attendance. If you plan to attend, please register soon as the seating for the installation banquet is almost sold out.

Mahalo Nui Loa,

Marty P. Alexander PGM, Grand Secretary
The MW Grand Lodge F&AM of Hawaii

Phone: 808-596-9121