90 Years Old & 50 Years of Masonry
We recently received pictures from Bro. Seth Dowling of Hannibal Lodge No. 224 (St.Georges, Bermuda), where his brother Worshipful Charles R. Dowling PM recently turned 90 years old! Worshipful Charles Dowling’s 90th birthday also marked 50 years of membership for him as a mason. His brother Seth Dowling is not only a member of Hannibal Lodge No. 224, but also a proud member of Honolulu Lodge F&AM.
Bro. Seth Dowling (member of Honolulu Lodge) and his brother Worshipful Charles R. Dowling.
The brethren of Hannibal Lodge No. 224 (St. Georges, Bermuda)
A cake honoring Worshipful Dowling’s 90th birthday and 50 years as a mason.
Bro. Seth Dowling (member of Honolulu Lodge) and his brother Worshipful Charles R. Dowling.