You are here: The Official Website of Honolulu Lodge F&AM | Hawaii Freemasonry»Lodge News»50 Year Certificate Presentation - Illustrious Bro. Kenneth Berry

50 Year Certificate Presentation - Illustrious Bro. Kenneth Berry

Honolulu Lodge F&AM was proud to present Illustrious Bro. Kenneth W. Berry with his 50 Year Certificate and pin on behalf of the Grand Lodge Lodge of Montana AF&AM. As a member of Honolulu Lodge F&AM (Grand Lodge of Hawaii) and the Grand Lodge of Montana AF&AM, Honolulu Lodge F&AM was chosen to present Illustrious Bro. Berry with his 50 Year Certificate, in recognition of his faithful masonic service. Illustrious Bro. Berry currently serves as the Deputy Sovereign Grand Inspector General of Scottish Rite Freemasonry in Hawaii and Guam.



