Third Degree: Bro. Ryan Barnes
Congratulations to Bro. Ryan Barnes on being Raised to the Sublime Degree of Master Mason. Over the past two years the Brethren of Honolulu Lodge F&AM have provided courtesy work for Bro. Barnes’ during his second and third degrees. Bro. Barnes originally joined Freemasonry while in California, but soon relocated to Hawaii where he completed his Degree process. Visiting for the evening was Bro. Martin Driggs of Quinsigamond Lodge (Worcester, MA) and Bro. Patrick Helton of Abraham Lodge no.8 (Louisville, KY).
The Brethren of Honolulu Lodge following the Raising of Bro. Ryan Barnes.
Worshipful Dave Lusk and Bro. Ryan Barnes.
Bro. Martin Driggs, Worshipful Dave Lusk and Bro. Patrick Helton.