2012 Installation of Officers
The Honolulu Lodge installation Saturday December 3rd 2011 at the Scottish Rite Temple in Honolulu ; the installing officer was Most Worshipful Monty Glover (PM Honolulu Lodge) and the Master of ceremony Worshipful Brother Dale Palileo (PM Honolulu Lodge). The ceremony started at 6:00 sharp and after the presentation speech of our leaving Master WB Dexter Carrasco , the line was brought in by WB Dale.
The line of past Masters of Honolulu Lodge from the left WB David Kaohelauli’i , WB Donovan Young, RWB Frank Condello, RWM Monty Glover, WB Dale Pallileo , WB Garry Graham and WB Dexter Carrasco .
The Hiram Award presented to Brother Lee Kaneakua by Most Worshipful Monty Glover and Worshipful Dexter Carrasco .
A good shot of our dedicated Pillars after the ceremony, Mission accomplished !
Thank you from our Newly elected Master and his wife Angela .